This is a self contained MAME emulator and game After Burner II using MAME 148
Just double click on the EXE to load game/roms
Your AV might go a bit on this but don't panic it's 100% clean
1 = Player 1 Start
2 = Player 2 Start
5 = Insert coin P1
6 = Insert coin P2
P1 UP = Cursor Down (Flight)
P1 Down = Cursor Up (Flight)
P1 Left = Cursor Left
P1 Right = Cursor Right
P1 Button 1 = A (Vulcan)
P1 Button 2 = D (Missles)
P1 Throttle UP = W
P1 Throttle Down = S
ESC = Quit
F3 = RESET Game
TAB = MAME Config - Use to setup things like P2 Controls
F11 = Display FPS
Insert = Fast Forward
To remove Game "Artwork" and speed up (SLOW PC) Press
TAB > Video Options > Change from FULL to CROPPED
This will remove the Screen Border Artwork
When you first click on the exe it looks like it don't do nothing, wait a little and the Emulator / game will load
The MAME emulator and roms are extracted to %TEMP%
Deleted on Exit of game.
Start > Run > Run Prompt Type %TEMP% Press Return to display your TEMP folder remove the Rar temp Folder if
it still exists - it should be deleted when you quit MAME but sometimes it forgets
Thanks to CHELE for inspiration on doing this
After Burner II (c) 1987 Sega.
Burner is another Sega game rendered with their then-ubiquitous 3-D
sprite-scaling technology; this time putting the player into the seat of
a powerful F14 Tomcat jet fighter.
Players must fight their way
through 21 colourful, fast-moving stages, shooting down waves of enemy
fighters while avoiding the enemy's incoming missiles. The F14 is
equipped with a machine gun and a limited number of homing missiles. The
gun has infinite ammunition and targeting is achieved by maneuvering
the Tomcat so that the targeting cursor situated just in front of the
jet is placed over an enemy fighter.
To deploy missiles, the player
must first 'lock-on' to the target, a sound will indicate that the lock
has taken place and missiles should then be fired, these will home in on
and destroy the locked-on enemy fighter.
Missile stocks are
replenished at the end of every 2nd stage, either by the appearance of a
large support plane that automatically links up with the player's jet
fighter, or by landing on a military airstrip - which again happens
After Burner's straightforward shoot-em-up gameplay
is simple and repetitive, but the game's incredible visuals ensured its
Deluxe cabinet dimensions : 80'' (203cm)
Deep x 53'' (135cm) Wide x 69'' (175cm) High. Weight : 800 lbs (362 kg)
Upright cabinet dimensions : 24, 8'' (63cm) Deep x 33, 9'' (86cm) Wide x
72, 8'' (185cm) High. Weight : 273 lbs (124 kg)
Sega X Board hardware Game ID : 834-6335-02
Main CPU : (2x) 68000 (@ 12.5 Mhz) Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz) Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz), Sega (@ 4 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal Video resolution : 320 x 224 pixels Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz Palette colors : 24576
Players : 1 Control : stick Buttons : 2
After Burner II was released in October 1987.
the cut-scenes that show your jet fighter landing on a landing strip in
order to reload the missile supply, there are some special vehicles
that will make a cameo appearance. In the first landing, you'll see a
man riding the motorcycle from "Hang-On". and in the second landing,
you'll see the famous Ferrari Testarossa-like car from "Out Run".
David Hernly holds the record for this game with 2, 215, 620 points on June 1, 2008.
album releases : After Burner II (MJCAX-00007) (Marvelous
Series] (KDSD-00051~2) After Burner 20th Anniversary Box (29/11/2007)
An ABII unit appears in the 1991 movie 'Terminator 2 - Judgment Day'.
is essentially the same game as "After Burner", but there are a few
differences, mainly the fact that it is possible to control your plane
1. After Burner (1987, Arcade) 2. After Burner
II (1987, Arcade) 3. G-Loc - Air Battle (1990, Arcade) 4. R360 - G-Loc
Air Battle (1990, Arcade) 5. Strike Fighter (1991, Arcade) 6. Sky Target
(1995, Arcade) 7. Sega Strike Fighter (2000, Arcade) 8. After Burner
Climax (2006, Arcade) 9. After Burner - Black Falcon (2007, PSP)
Designed by : Yu Suzuki (YU.), Satoshi Mifune Music by : Hiroshi Miyauchi (HIR) Staff : (KIM), (BIN), (SAD), (KEY), (Y.N)
Consoles : Nintendo Famicom [JP] (Mar. 30, 1989) "After Burner [Model
SS13-6200]" Nintendo NES [US] (1989) "After Burner [Model TGN-011-AB]"
Sega Mega Drive [JP] (Mar. 20, 1990) "After Burner II [Model T-17013]"
NEC PC-Engine [JP] (Sep. 28, 1990) "After Burner II [Model NAPH-1011]"
Sega Super 32X [JP] (Jan. 13, 1995) "After Burner Complete [Model
GM-4006]" Sega Super 32X [US] (???. ??, 1995) "After Burner [Model
84507]" Sega Super 32X [EU] (???. ??, 1995) "After Burner Complete
[Model 84507-50]" Sega Saturn [JP] (Sep. 27, 1996) "After Burner II
[Sega Ages] [Model GS-9109]" Sega Dreamcast [JP] (Dec. 20, 2001) "Yu
Suzuki Game Works Vol.1 [Model ASP001]" Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Mar.
18, 2004) "After Burner II [Sega Ages 2500 Vol.10] [Model SLPM-62446]"
Computers : FM Towns PC (1987) After Burner Commodore C64 (1988) Atari
ST (1988) Amstrad CPC [EU] (1988) MSX [EU] (1988) Commodore Amiga (1989)
After Burner Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1989) Sharp X68000 [JP] (Apr, 26,
1989) "After Burner [Model DP-3205010]" PC [MS-DOS, 3.5'' Disks] [US]
(1989) After Burner Commodore Amiga (1990, "Amiga Champions") Commodore
C64 (1990, "100% Dynamite") Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1990, "100% Dynamite")
* Others : LCD handheld game (1989) by Tiger Electronics. LCD
tabletop game (1989) by Tiger Electronics : 18 different levels of play.
Part 1 -
1 File download, Total size 29.00 MB
Genre: Flight