Age of Empires also facilitated online and network play with up to 8 people simultaneously. Because the network play is less sophisticated than that of modern games, lag and disconnections often occur. Until 19 June 2006, multiplayer gameplay was supported by Microsoft Gaming Zone. At that point, the Zone abandoned support of most CD-ROM games, including Age of Empires and Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings.
The creation of user-made scenarios or series of scenarios (campaigns) for the game was made possible using the Scenario Builder. This tool is simpler and easier to learn than comparable editors used in more modern games, but it has fewer capabilities as a result. Ensemble Studios used the Scenario Builder to make the single-player campaigns which shipped with the retail game. Various unofficial sites exist where custom scenarios can be submitted and downloaded. In late 2005, it was discovered that by modifying various data files, units present in the beta versions of the game could be made available in the editor. Some obscure units include a spaceship and a hero that changes ownership when units move near it. Through data editing, the rules of unit placement can also be modified. This allows units to be placed on any terrain and on top of other units, which creates new possibilities for design. Other significant discoveries include new terrain templates, a mode to treble each unit's hitpoints, and a tool to edit map sizes.
System requirements:
Pentium 90 or higher processor
Microsoft Windows 95 operating system or Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 3
Local SVGA bus video display (with 1 MB VRAM)
80 MB of available hard disk space
50 MB free disk space for swap file
Quad speed CD-ROM drive - for cinematics
Double speed CD-ROM drive - for gameplay
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
Sound board plus speakers or headphones to hear audio
28.8 Kbps modem for head-to-head play
Part 1 -
1 File download, Total size 504.94 MB
Genre: Strategy
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