Afterlife is a God game released by LucasArts in 1996 that places
the player in the role of a semi-omnipotent being known as a Demiurge,
with the job of creating a functional Heaven and Hell to reward or
punish the citizens of the local planet.
The player does not assign citizens to their various punishments and
rewards, since the game does this automatically. Instead, the player
creates the infrastructure (roads, zones for the various sins/virtues,
reincarnation centers) that allows the afterlife to function properly.
Players are accountable for the job that they do because their
bosses, The Powers That Be, check in from time to time. The player also
has the assistance of two advisors—Aria Goodhalo, an angel, and Jasper
Wormsworth, a demon. Aria and Jasper provide warnings when things are
going wrong with the afterlife, and offer tips on how to fix the
The game is very satirical, with various references to pop culture
(such as a passing mention of a "San Quentin Scarearantino" or sending a
Death Star to destroy buildings if the player cheats too much).
The primary goal of the game is to provide divine and infernal
services for the inhabitants of the afterlife. This afterlife caters to
one particular planet, known simply as the Planet. The creatures living
on the Planet are called EMBOs, or Ethically Mature Biological
Organisms. When an EMBO dies, its SOUL, or Stuff Of Unending Life,
travels to the afterlife where it will attempt to find an appropriate
"fate structure". Fate structures are places where SOULs are rewarded or
punished, as appropriate, for the virtues or sins that they practiced
while they were alive.
Of course these facilities also need personnel. These can be either
hired or trained by building special training facilities. There are also
additional things the player has to keep in mind, e.g. the satisfaction
of each soul and the energy supply. Every buildings has to be
micro-managed by adjusting their settings but there is also the
possibility to use a tool which does it automatically - for a price.
Random disasters like "Birds of Paradise" (excrement rain down on
the facilities) break the economic circle and challenge the player to
repair the damage.
Click on "Part1" and Download the RAR file. Unpack/Extract it with WinRar or 7Zip to obtain an ISO Image.
If you want to Play from your Harddrive, Unpack/Extract the ISO to where you want and use "ALIFE.exe" to Play.
You can also play directly from the ISO file. Just Mount it in a Virtual Drive. As above, use "ALIFE.exe" to Play.
If for some reason you can't get the Game to work, download "Part2"
which is a Full-Rip of the Game. Just Ubpack/Extract it to whre you want
the Game Installed. And again, use "ALIFE.exe" to Play.
In any case tha Game might create a Folder on your "C:" Drive called
"ALIFE". That's where the SaveGames and Configurations are stored.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
2 Part download, Total size 150.00 MB
Genre: Strategy
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