You are the pilot of Fairchild's A-10 Warthog, one of the US' arsenals most potent and ungainly ground attack aircraft. As tough and resilient as it is ugly, the A-10 will get you into and out of the toughest situation a hostile force can dish out. The amount of punishment the Warthog can dish out and receive is truly incredible and Activision has done an excellent job demonstrating this.
Situated in Guantanamo Bay, you are offered twelve missions to fly consisting of air to air, air to ground, and various combinations of the two. Your mission area is Cuba, who in this simulation, are none too friendly. Be prepared to be assaulted with Surface to Air Missiles, Anti Aircraft Artillery, Flak, and skilled enemy pilots. At the start, you will be given four training missions to choose from and these consist of takeoff, landing, air to air, and air to ground. The training missions are a good idea as you will want to become familiar with the extremely busy cockpit. Activision has really tried to go to the limit in realism and you will find yourself immersed in the world of jet combat in short order. It must be pointed out that the designers of this game opted to go with realism in motion, combat, and pilot stress rather than photo realistic graphics. Upon first load-up of this simulation, you may find the graphics of the scenery a bit polygonal like other combat simulators on the market, but I have yet to fly any simulator that comes close to A-10s realism in motion, smoothness, and frame rate. The homework has been done on the physics model that they used. It is worthwhile to really put this plane through some serious experimentation in flight characteristics before embarking on a serious mission. The Warthog will realistically fly like a pig if you load it up to the limits and will fly relatively nimbly when light. Don't kid yourself though; the A-10 is not a dogfighter as any Warthog pilot will tell you. It is a flying tank.
System requirements:
CPU: 486DX @ 66 MHz
Video: SVGA w/ 256 color
Part 1 -
1 File download, Total size 6.23 MB
Genre: Flight
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